Is A Film To DVD Transfer Using A Frame By Frame Method The Best?
There are 4 types of Super 8 and 8mm to DVD transfer machines out there today. Both real-time and frame by frame use a modified projector and camcorder. A real-time 8mm film to DVD transfer runs the film at full speed like on a projector. Well, on this machine it is running on a projector. The film is projected onto a mirror or surface and the camcorder records that surface. You could basically do this at home.
A frame-by-frame 8mm film to DVD process still uses a projector and camcorder but the camcorder is pointed directly at the film and the camcorder captures one frame at a time. A frame-by-frame 8mm film to DVD process will result in a video that is about 20-30% better than a real-time 8mm or Super 8 film to DVD process.
The best 8mm or Super 8 film to DVD transfer is done using a professional film scanner like a motion picture film scanner or Datacine machine. A professional film scanner is made with state-of-the-art components. These scanners typically have the ability to deal with shrunk film or film with sprocket hole damage. A professional film scanner will produce a video that is about 30-50% better than a frame by frame 8mm or super 8 process.
This 8mm film to DVD order form will let you compare the options and costs of each type of film transfer. This way you can make an informed decision and stay within your budget.