
Tapes & Digital Camcorders

Tape Conversion And Restoration Up to 4K

VHS to DVD, 8MM Video Tape to DVD, BluRay Files

If you are looking for the best quality video tape to DVD, BluRay or digital file transfers, you’ve found it! We use the would’s best professional tape decks for your Betamax, VHS, VHS-C, 8mm, Hi8, Digital 8, MiniDV, Betacam, Digital Betacam, DVCPro 25, DVCPro 50, and DVCPro HD tapes. Tracking issues? Poor video quality? These professional decks will get the best possible quality given the condition of the tape.

On top of this, we have video tape restoration technology that can remove video noise and color correct your old tapes.

Our professional broadcast machines (used by the Pro SD and Pro HD process) try to recover as much of the original image quality as possible. This is very important because video on tape degrades quickly over time and you want to recover as much of that as possible. Lastly, we’ve added a Pro 4K process for customers with 4K content from Go Pro and other 4K cameras.

Leading Technology and Equipment for the Best Video Conversions

Breaking News: We are a company continually researching and developing new technologies to get more quality from your videotape conversions. We are very proud to offer our brand new Advanced Noise Reduction Technology. it removes 95% of video noise from tapes to give you a clean and sharp video from your old movies. It is an amazing technology that has been in development for years.

Video Tape Conversion Pricing


Per Hour
  • Quality vs. Tape
  • Click here for complete scan resolution details. 

  • Equipment
  • Click here for complete scan resolution details.

  • Restoration
  • Click here for complete restoration details.

  • Combine Tapes/Video
  • We can combine up to 2 hours on DVD or 4 hours on BluRay. Just number the tapes and rubber band the ones you want together. Click here for complete details. 

  • Camcorder Cards
  • We can take content off of camcorder drives and cards and put them in chronological order. Due to the extra time and labor, this must be done under the ProHD process. Click here for complete details. 

  • Broadcast Tapes
  • We can take content from professional broadcast tapes like Umatic, Betacam and DVCPro and put it on DVD, BluRay or Digital Files. These broadcast machines are very expensive and must be done under the Pro HD process. Click here for complete details.

  • Transfer to BluRay
  • We can either up convert SD tapes/video to HD or put existing HD tapes/video onto HD formats like BluRay or HD editing files using the Pro HD process. Click here for complete details 

  • Delivery Options Per Process
  • Click here for complete delivery options


$22 95
Per Hour
  • 30-40% Worse
  • This is a consumer based machine. It can only get about 70% of the quality from the tape due to the quality of the heads in the machine. Click here for more details.

  • Consumer
  • This is a consumer based machine. It can only get about 70% of the quality from the tape due to the quality of the heads in the machine. Click here for more details. 

  • Optional
  • Click here for complete details

  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • DVD, AVI, MOV Files and More
  • We can make DVDs and 480 line resolution AVI and MOV files from this process. Click here for more details.


Pro SD

$39 95
Per Hour
  • As Good As Tape
  • This is a broadcast quality machine. It will get the best quality possible from the tape. Click here for more details.

  • Pro Broadcast
  • This is a broadcast quality machine. It will get the best quality possible from the tape. Click here for more details.

  • Optional
  • Click here for complete details

  • No
  • No
  • No
  • No
  • DVD, AVI, MOV Files and More
  • We can make DVDs and 480 line resolution AVI and MOV files from this process. Click here for more details.


Pro HD

$59 95
Per Hour
  • As Good As Orig.
  • This is a broadcast based machine. It will get the best possible quality from the tape. Click here for more details.

  • Pro Broadcast
  • This is a broadcast based machine. It will get the best possible quality from the tape. Click here for more details.

  • Optional
  • Click here for complete details

  • Yes
  • We can combine up to 2 hours on DVD or 4 hours on BluRay. Just number the tapes and rubber band the ones you want together. Click here for complete details. 

  • Yes
  • We can take content off of camcorder drives and cards and put them in chronological order. This takes extra time and labor and must be done under the Pro HD process. Click here for more details.

  • Yes
  • SD/HD Cards/Drives
  • We can either up convert SD tapes and video too HD or put existing HD tapes and video onto HD formats like BluRay or HD editing files using the Pro HD process. Click here for more details.

  • DVD, BD, AVI, MP4, HD-AVI, ProRes
  • We can make DVDs and BDs, 480 line resolution AVI and MOV files or 720p and 1080p HD-AVI and ProRes files from this process. Click here for more details.


Pro 4K

$79 95
Per Hour
  • As Good As 4K Orig.
  • Video we produce will look as good as the original in all cases except DVD due to the compression and resolution loss. Click here for more details. 

  • Pro Broadcast
  • We use professional broadcast editing software to convert the 4K content into other formats producing great results. Click here for more details.

  • Optional
  • Click here for complete details

  • Yes
  • We can combine up to 2 hours on DVD or 4 hours on BluRay. Just number the tapes and rubber band the ones you want together. Click here for complete details. 

  • Yes
  • We can take content off of camcorder drives and cards and put them in chronological order. This takes extra time and labor and must be done under the Pro HD process. Click here for more details.

  • Yes
  • 4K Cards/Drives
  • We can convert your 4K camera content (Go Pro etc.) to formats like BluRay or HD editing files. Click here for more details. 

  • DVD, BD, AVI, MP4, HD-AVI, ProRes
  • We can make DVDs and BDs; SD AVI, MOV and MP4 files; HD 2K and 4K AVI, ProRes and DPX files from this process. Click here for more details. 


Tape Order Process

Step 1.

Organize & Number

If Combining Tapes Through the Pro HD Process, Please Number the Tapes in the Order You Would Like Them to Appear.

Step 2.

Choose Your Process

Low Cost Basic Service
Pro SD
Best Quality DVD or Editing Files From SD Tapes
Pro HD
Want to Combine Tapes, Want HD Format Back (BluRay), Have Camcorder SD/HD Cards/Drives or You Have Broadcast BetaCam
Pro 4K
For GoPro and Other 4K Cameras

Step 3.

Choose Your Format

DVD & BluRay
Good For Viewing On TV, Not For Editing
Good For Viewing On Any Digital Device
AVI, HD-AVI & ProRes
Good For Editing Not For Viewing On TV

Step 4.

Order Online & Ship

Order Online
Fill out the appropriate order form online and print the invoice.

**You’ll need to include a copy with the order**

Ship With Order Form
Ship film with the order form. We recommend using FedEx or UPS 2-3 Day Air Service

You’ll find many places that can copy your VHS to DVD but you won’t find many companies that use the best equipment and can give you the best VHS to DVD quality like Video Conversion Experts. Our professional services (Pro SD, Pro HD) only use the highest quality, most professional machines. Together with our VHS restoration services, we can give you a crisp, clear noise free video from your VHS tape. 

Keep in mind that a DVD will not last forever. So, if you are looking for the best 8mm tape to DVD conversion you will want to consider a different format than DVD. If you just want to watch the video on your TV and don’t need to edit anything, consider converting your 8mm tape to BluRay. BluRay has much more space and we don’t have to compress the video as much compared to DVD. In addition, you can move your 8mm tape footage to the state of the art format like BluRay.

Common Tape Transfer Questions

Converting your VHS, 8mm and Hi8 tapes to BluRay is a great idea and BluRay is state of the art. But, both DVD and BluRay are highly compressed. For this reason we offer the best video tape to digital conversions possible. We can convert your Hi8 tape to digital formats like AVI, MOV, HD-AVI and ProRes. These are lightly compressed formats which makes them manageable on todays PC and Mac computers. This not only allows you to edit your Hi8 tape on your computer but also gives you a digital master of your tape that is much higher quality than DVD or BluRay is. For our professional broadcast clients with Betacam, or DVCPRO tapes, we provide the highest quality broadcast tape conversion service in the United States. We can convert Betacam, Betacam SP and Betacam SX and Digital Betacam, DVCPRO 25, DVCPRO 50, and DVCPRO HD tapes to DVD, BluRay, AVI, MOV, HD-AVI and ProRes. There are not very many labs left that can convert these tapes at a high quality level.

The biggest problem is as the tapes age they start to warp and curl. This means when you try to play them the tape is not laying flat against the head that is trying to read it. This causes audio and video issues. Sometimes the audio will go in and out and sometimes the video will have these horizontal lines in it. Our Pro SD process uses professional broadcast machines that are the best at fixing or improving these issues. Normally we can fix or improve about 80% of the issues we see like this.

The most frequently asked question is “can we fix video and audio related problems on VHS and 8mm tapes?”. The answer in most cases is “yes”. Our Pro SD and Pro HD process uses professional broadcast machines. They are the best at fixing tracking problem and in most cases it is tracking problems that are causing the video and/or audio problems. So, when you play your VHS or 8mm tape, if you see horizontal lines at the bottom, middle or top you are having tracking problems. These tracking issues can cause audio drop out as well. The problem is that the tape isn’t posited correctly on the head trying to read it. This can happen for two reasons. 1) If the camcorder was dropped it most likely moved the position of the head. From that point forward the head will be recording the video and audio in the wrong place on the tape. 2) The camcorder or deck you are playing the tape back on has the head out of alignment.

In the case of problem #1, the tapes are probably fine before this happened but any tapes made after the camcorder was dropped will be problematic. Sometimes our professional broadcast VHS to DVD machines can fix this problem and other times they can only improve it or can’t improve it at all. It depends on how badly the head moved when the camcorder was dropped.

In the case of problem #2, the VHS or 8mm tapes are probably fine. It’s just the machine you are trying to play them on that has the issue. The only way to know if it is the camcOrder/deck or the tapes is to try the tapes on another camcOrder/deck. That will help narrow down the problem.

Most likely if you had your tape transfer done over 10 years ago we can offer better technology to improve the video by about 25-50%. Through our Pro SD and higher processes we transfer your tapes with our high-end professional broadcast equipment resulting in the best available quality your tapes have to offer. On top of that we can also correct color issues, reduce video noise and remove minor tracking problems ensuring that your video is the best it can be. Lastly, if we see tracking issues that the machine is not able to completely fix we will run the tape a 2nd time on a different machine to see if we can get better results. Many times we can. So, on the Pro SD and above we will run the tape twice (as needed) and give you the best results for no extra charge.

The second most frequently asked question is, “Can you restore my 8mm tape?”. It really depends on the problem. If the VHS or 8mm tapes have uniformly color shifted and/or have a lot of video noise then yes, we can fix most of those issues. Both color correction and noise reduction take a fair amount of manual labor. So, we do charge extra for those optional services. You can choose these options on the order form. You can see examples here.

We can transfer VHS to DVD, VHS-C to DVD, 8mm to DVD, Hi8 to DVD, MiniDV to DVD and Digital 8 to DVD. We can also transfer a PAL tape to NTSC, HDV to DVD and HDV to Blu-Ray DVD. VHS to DVD and 8mm tape to DVD is the most common video tape transfer service we perform. There aren’t too many companies that can transfer HDV to DVD or BluRay. The reason is that HDV uses MiniDV tapes but is high definition video as opposed to standard definition video. So, MiniDV tapes can be used for standard definition or high definition but you need the right deck in order to play them back. We have all types and will have no problem converting your MiniDV or HDV to DVD or BluRay.

We are commonly being asked today “can you convert my Go Pro video to DVD or BluRay?” The answer is yes. Shooting in 4K is becoming a reality. Many customers are starting to use Go Pro video cameras. The problem is that there is no easy way to watch the Go Pro video on your TV. Most TVs can’t display 4K content and even the ones that do can’t play the Go Pro 4K content directly. It needs to be converted into a format it can play. This is why we’ve added our Pro 4K process. We can take the Go Pro card with the 4K content and convert it to DVD, BluRay or HD editing files for you. You will be able to play the DVD/BluRay on your TV and can edit HD video on your computer. We recommending keeping the 4K content for later use.

Our Promise
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our service is the best in the business and so is our customer support. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with our results please contact us to discuss any options. *Quality of film conversion and restoration is dependent upon the condition of existing film stock and/or videotape; severely deteriorated original materials may be beyond the reach of even the most sophisticated restoration methods.

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